Project Implementation Organizations
Ministry of Finance
- Ensures timely signing of lending agreements.
- Manages the advance accounts each for the Asian Development Bank (ADB) loan and grant.
- Through Department of Water Resources and Irrigation (DWRI) and Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM), obtaining account statements of advance accounts, reconciles advance accounts with the project subaccounts, and submits withdrawal applications to Asian Development Bank (ADB).
- Ensures timely allocation and release of both project and counterpart funds
Project Steering Committee
- Chaired by Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation (MEWRI).
- Joint Secretary Ministry of Finance (MOF)
- Joint Secretary MEWRI
- Director General Department of Water Resources and Irrigation (DWRI)
- Director General Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM)
- National Planning Commission
- Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA)
- Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration (MOFAGA)
- Representative from the concerned Provincial Government (Water Resources)
- Project Director project management unit (PMU)
- Provides policy guidance based on performance reviews of the project.
- Ensures collaboration among central and district level agencies.
- Monitors the progress and addresses relevant issues for smooth implementation of the project.
Executing agency:( Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation)
- Ensures overall oversight of the project and makes timely decisions on all matters relating to project implementation.
- Ensures full staffing and timely mobilization of PMU, Field Offices and project implementation unit (PIU).
- Facilitates inter-ministerial coordination.
- Leads interagency coordination.
- Ensures adequacy of overall project financing and secures annual budget allocations for implementation.
- Overall responsibility for complying with loan and grant covenants, environmental safeguards, and facilitating corrective actions as required.
Implementing agency: (Department of Water Resources and Irrigation)
- Overall responsibility for ensuring the project is implemented according to time, quality, and budget.
- Ensures full staffing and timely mobilization of project management unit (PMU) and Field Offices.
- Ensures minimum staff turnover of project management unit (PMU) and Field Offices.
- Monitors compliance with loan and grant covenants, environmental and social safeguards, and facilitates corrective actions as required.
- Opens and manages its respective advance and project subaccounts.
- Prepares and reviews withdrawal applications, obtains project account statements, and submits them to ADB.
Implementing agency: (Department of Hydrology and Meteorology DHM)
- Overall responsibility for ensuring that project output 2 on flood forecasting and early warning system (FFEWS) is implemented according to time, quality, and budget.
- Ensures full staffing and timely mobilization of project implementation unit (PIU).
- Ensures minimum staff turnover of project implementation unit (PIU).
- Monitors compliance with loan and grant covenants, environmental and social safeguards, and facilitates corrective actions as required.
- Opens and manages its respective advance and project subaccounts.
- Prepares and reviews withdrawal applications, obtaining project account statements, and submits the required documents for withdrawal applications to project management unit (PMU).
Project Management Unit
- The PMU is led by a Project Director who will be responsible for the overall implementation and management of the project. The Project Director will serve as the focal contact with ADB.
General Project Administration and Management
Technical Oversight and Support
Safeguards Compliance
Project Implementation Unit
The project implementation unit (PIU) is established within the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM) office in Babar Mahal. The project implementation unit (PIU) will be led by a Project Manager who will be responsible for overall implementation management of Output 2 FFEWS.
The project implementation unit (PIU) will be responsible for:
• Overseeing the overall implementation of Output 2 FFEWS.
• Preparing implementation plans, annual budgets, and disbursement projections.
• Coordinating with DWRI.
• Liaising and corresponding with Asian Development Bank (ADB) on all issues relating to the project.
Coordinating with government agencies to resolve any departmental issues.
Approving all planning, design and contract documents associated with Output 2
Implementing agency: Six Field Offices under the Project Management Unit
There are six field offices (Jhapa, Morang, Sarlahi, Chitwan, Dang and Kailali) established at field level and working under the project management unit (PMU). Each field office will be headed by a Project Manager and will be responsible for the day-to-day management of the civil works contracts in their respective areas. The main functions of the field offices will include:
- Mawa-Ratuwa River Basin (People’s Embankment Programme, Jhapa)
- Bakraha River Basin (Koshi & Bakraha river Training Project, Morang)
- Lakhanadehi River Basin (People’s Embankment Programme, Sarlahi)
- East Rapti River Basin (Narayani River Management Project, Chitwan)
- West Rapti River Basin (People’s Embankment Programme, Dang)
- Mohana Khutiya (People’s Embankment Programme, Kanchanpur)
Subproject Consultation Committee
- Chaired by Provincial Government Infrastructure and Development Secretary.
- Provides inputs on project design and construction issues.
- Ensures collaboration among district level agencies.
- Support the Grievance Redressal Mechanism.
Subproject Consultation Committee
- Provincial Government Secretary (Physical Infrastructure and Development)
- Municipality representative of concerned municipality/village municipality
- Municipality engineer of concerned municipality
- Provincial Government – Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Development Engineers
- DWRI field office chief 6 DWRI field office engineers